Category: sun valley ca

frozen jose mier with delish banana smores recipe

Frozen Jose Mier Explores Banana S’mores Ice Cream

ice creamjose miersun valley cabanana smores ice creamjose miersun valley ca

Couldn’t Be Easier   Readers of Frozen Jose Mier’s blog know that I wrote an article about s’mores ice cream sometime ago. So what’s the deal with this recipe? Well this is a bit different in that it’s not your traditional ice cream. The base is made entirely from frozen bananas instead of a dairy ….  Read More

jose mier gin and tonic pops

Tipsy Jose Mier With Another Boozy Dessert

jose mierpopsiclessun valley cagin and tonicjose mierpopsiclessun valley ca

Frozen Gin and Tonic   Frozen Jose Mier with yet another alcohol-infused frozen dessert. I can’t take credit for this since once again my go-to recipe idea website, has posted hey recipe and video for gin and tonic pops–frozen of course. This is another example of an adult dessert like some of the other ….  Read More

ice cream baked potato jose mier

Frozen Jose Mier With a Most Imaginative Dessert

ice creamjose miersun valley cadessertfrozen jose mierice creamsun valley caunique

Ice Cream Backed Potato   Frozen Jose Mier has written about some impressive desserts but nothing to date compares to this latest find: an ice cream baked potato. When you read that line you’re probably going to feel like me start scratching your head. This is another treasure which just happens to be from ….  Read More

Champagne ice cream a la Jose Mier

Frozen Jose Mier Goes Bubbly

ice creamjose miersun valley cachampagne ice creamholiday recipesice creamjose miersun valley ca

Sparkling (Champagne) Ice Cream   Frozen Jose Mier here with a holiday tip. Christmas and New Year’s are fast approaching and what is more appropriate holiday celebrations than champagne? And how do I incorporate champagne into a frozen desert? Simple! Champagne! There are dozens of recipes for ice cream that includes a touch of champagne ….  Read More