Jose Mier Ice Cream Exclusive
As you know I’ve written about superman ice cream before and let you know that it was (is) a predominately Midwestern phenomenon (Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota). Well, I’m pleased to tell you that I’ve actually happened on this flavor of ice cream on a recent trip to the Midwest.
We were visiting some relatives in Minnesota, near Minneapolis and had the opportunity to take a day trip across the border with Wisconsin. Stopping for gas, I got out and went inside the gas station convenience store to see if they has any Wisconsin souvenirs for sale. They did not, but when I looked down at the front desk/register (where they also sold ice cream) I saw that tell-tale red, blue and yellow color that could mean only one thing: Superman ice cream.

Did I buy some? Like an idiot, no. I thought I’d grab some somewhere else but the opportunity never arose again. I did have the presence of mind to snap a photo which I’ll proudly display on this page. The gas station we stopped at was in a town called Hudson, Wisconsin. I did a little checking afterward and the was a store in St. Paul that sold this ice cream so I can confirm personally that it is available in both Minnesota as well as Wisconsin.
Am I destined never to sample this flavor of which I’ve written so much about? Maybe. I don’t think I’m going to be back in Minnesota for at least another year. If I do return it will be the first thing on my list. Since we had some octagenarians to look after during our visit, taking a quick break to go to St. Paul for a red, blue and yellow cone just wasn’t an easy option. The next time I will plan ahead.
If you find yourself in the Midwest (in any of the above-named states) take a look around or search online for this little-known yet well-loved ice cream. You’ll be glad you did.
Of course, here in Sun Valley, CA we’re about the furthest thing away from the flavors of Minnesota and my local parlor is not stocking any Superman ice cream, but then again, would I want them too? Keeping it a Midwestern secret kind of makes it more special instead of everyone having access to it. Wish me luck in my search!