Boozy Snow Cones Take it Up a Notch
If you remember my last Frozen Jose Mier article you know that it’s called for dash of Champagne. Well, following on the heels of that ice cream recipe, here’s another one that makes use of alcohol. I’m talking about boozy snow cones.

Everybody must remember snow cones from their youth. If you’re like me you remember the rock-hard snow cones that were virtually fused together into one multicolored block of ice that you could buy at the local drugstore. I remember summers in Sun Valley, California and getting a snow cone from the ice cream truck as it drove by. Those were a little bit better than the drugstore versions because they were fresher it easier to eat. For me in Southern California the summers were very hot so snow cones really hit the spot.
This latest recipe is an adult version of the snow cone but it’s just about as fun and certainly just as refreshing. again comes to the rescue. It seems to be my go to website for frozen desserts these days but so what? Of course it’s not the first one to think of concocting an alcoholic version of the snow cone and there are myriad recipes available online including this one from Better Homes & Gardens and of course several YouTube videos like this one from the “Tipsy Bartender.” does have a pretty good version though so that’s what I’m writing about. It’s extremely simple and will take all of 10 minutes to complete but the recipe calls for raspberry vodka, blue Curaçao, lemon juice and honey–and of course ice. Follow the recipe and enjoy this frozen beverage with friends. This is perfect for a hot summer day and even though we are in December, what the heck, it’s good for a snowy December day. The vodka will keep you warm.
This is great too because it’s visually appealing, especially with the addition of the blue Curaçao and you can garnish with a lime slice to increase the tropical impact of this drink. So please join Frozen Jose Mier in raising a cone–paper, of course —and saying cheers!